Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hockey 2011

A few pictures from the game a couple weeks ago. DSCF4038

Trying to catch the puck. That’s Chloe Olson in pink. The team did great! They won all three games and some of the boys were really working hard at trying to pass the puck more.


Anson and his buddy Conner.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Psalm 12

Read this Psalm this morning, and couldn't help but think of how it sounds like the times we live in. "Even so, Lord Jesus, come".

Help, Lord, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race. Everyone lies to their neighbor; they flatter with their lips but harbor deception in their hearts. May the Lord silence all flattering lips and every boastful tongue- those who say, "by our tongues we will prevail; our own lips will defend us-who is lord over us?"
"Becuase the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise," says the Lord. "I will protect them from those who malign them." And the words of theLord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven time. You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked, who freely strut about while depravity is honored by the human race.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Girl

I have a little girl who likes to entertain herself, play pretend, etc. I have been wanting a nice big dollhouse for her for awhile but they’re pretty spendy. I found one this weekend at a thrift store for $7.50! AND I found a super nice Columbia coat for me for $6.25. Woohoo! I’ve been needing one. We didn’t get the dollhouse here until today, Paige had no idea. Now I just need to be on the lookout for furnishings.


Look Before You Leap


While some in this household are a little discouraged at the amount of snow to melt come spring, others decided to have some new fun with it.



Wednesday, February 2, 2011










In Anson’s class there is a boy with non-verbal down syndrom. Instead of teaching seperatly or just to this boys level they are teaching the entire class basic sign language. I think it’s awesome! Anson comes home and does all these little moves and is like “you know what I just said?” “no Anson, what?” “Good morning. My name is Anson”.