Last week we enjoyed some sunshine and warm(er) temperatures. I decided to snap a few pictures of the kids enjoying their freedom from prison (aka my house). I’m loving my camera, its not fancy, technically a point and shoot. I think it takes awesome pictures though! I had my last one for 8 years ago definitely got my moneys worth out of it.
Anika and Gage-the babies of the group
Levi-he’s been coming for 2 years and loves his snuggles and Paige!
Gage-love his cheesy grin. He started coming when he was a couple months old, its been fun to watch him grow.
Ava and Ali-BEST FRIENDS. These two crack me up. I keep trying to secretly video tape some of their conversations but they always see me sneak up.
My baby. I can’t believe how fast she’s changing!