Monday, March 4, 2013

Being Friends

Part One

By Paige

Being friends is all about family. Joy. Love. Sisters. When you are lonely you just find a friend so you can play with them a lot. Most important is family and love. Just like the story writers. They are friends all the time. They help each other out all the time. When someone is sick just think of your friends.



Parts 2 and 3 by Elsie and Chloe to come

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Warmer Temps

Last week we enjoyed some sunshine and warm(er) temperatures. I decided to snap a few pictures of the kids enjoying their freedom from prison (aka my house). I’m loving my camera, its not fancy, technically a point and shoot. I think it takes awesome pictures though! I had my last one for 8 years ago definitely got my moneys worth out of it.


Anika and Gage-the babies of the group

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Levi-he’s been coming for 2 years and loves his snuggles and Paige!

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Gage-love his cheesy grin. He started coming when he was a couple months old, its been fun to watch him grow.

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Ava and Ali-BEST FRIENDS. These two crack me up. I keep trying to secretly video tape some of their conversations but they always see me sneak up.

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My baby. I can’t believe how fast she’s changing!

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