Friday, April 29, 2011

By Paige

Paige has always been one that has a notebook handy to “write” in. Well, now that she can read and sound out words she has started writing her own little stories. The following was what she did on our way home from Missouri last month.“

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“The dog chased the cat. The cat chased the mice. And they live happily ever after.”

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“Mom said I love you. And they live happily ever after.”

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“Ava said I love you. And they live happily ever after.”

Apparently she’s all about happy endings.

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“I love summer because it is my birthday”

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No Excuses

So, yeah……I’ve been a little absent from the blogging world since I’ve gotten my third child. It’s not that I don’t have a few minutes in the evening or during the day to throw a post up, its more that I don’t feel like using brain cells to think through a post. So, pardon my lack of wit and humor, but here’s a few pictures from what's been going on around here lately. (Oh yeah, and I haven’t had batteries for my camera. Or rather, I HAVE but they keep mysteriously disappearing to the Wii remotes).

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“Ava, close your eyes” this is as close as she gets

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My kitchen project, almost done.

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I’ve been collecting frames from rummage sales and painted them all white. I still need a few more pictures and need to even out the frames. Jerem says some are crooked, and despite my best efforts at measuring and spacing he’s right.

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Did you notice my spoon “hooks”? I love them, so I decided to bring the silverware theme to another part of the kitchen, the curtain. My kids are very impressed that I can bend silverware. I love this age where it doesn’t take much to be super mom.

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New curtains and decal for the girls room. The curtain is super bright, but cute. And since I stole theirs for the kitchen they needed something new.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kitchen Make-Over!!!

Okay, not really cause I love my kitchen. But I haven’t done anything with decorating it up to this point. I think I have a plan. I think. Here’s a little sample to whet your appetite. Stay tuned! (Oh, and some of the kiddos too).

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Exciting stuff, huh? Sorry, I’m lame and looking for something to post. Here are some pictures of the kids. Or rather, the girls. Somehow Anson steered clear of the camera this day.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

I know some of you are probably waiting to hear about out our girl’s weekend down in the cities. Well, it was a blast! From shopping and eating, to going to a comedy club and playing Pictionary the whole weekend was a great time. Instead of boring you with details of that though, I thought I’d brag about Jerem’s time here with the kids.

As you know, they were looking forward to a weekend with daddy. Saturday was beautiful up here so they spent the day outside. I don’t have a play by play account of the weekend, but I did hear some highlights.

Now that the snow was finally melting, Jerem let the kids go exploring in the woods. They had been gone about a half hour or so, so he wasn’t too worried. Him and Ava started walking to the mailbox to get the mail and he heard the kids. He saw Paige running up the road to the driveway with tears streaming down her face. They had gotten lost and finally found the road so they knew how to get home. Jerem said if they had just looked to their right they would have seen the house through the trees. But I suppose when you’re 3 feet tall you don’t think rationally. I did feel a little bad for them, but mostly thought it was kind of funny. I’m so mean, I know.

The rest of the day went smoothly though, and was finished off with burgers right off the grill, baths all around and the Saturday chores done. In my hurry to leave I forgot to lay out the girls’ Sunday clothes. Anson’s I had done, but not Paige and Ava’s. Oops. I told Jerem to just look in their closet they both had dresses hanging up. Who says you can’t wear brown and pink striped tights with a black and pink polka dotted dress? According to Ava that is the THING to wear this spring!

At first I was a little bummed.I thought, “why couldn’t Jerem have had a little bit of a tough time taking care of the 3 for the weekend so he has a whole new appreciation of what a mom does?”. Then it was pointed out to me; he’s probably more likely to not be afraid to do it again, right? I mean, it was a piece of cake for him, AND I came home to a CLEAN house. Talk about Super Dad. Wow.

So that was their weekend.I wish I had left the camera with him, I wasn’t really thinking. Surprise, surprise.  Stay tuned for some spring pictures from this week coming soon!