I'm officially 6 months pregnant and allowed Jerem to take a picture. Probably the only one that will be taken. :) Watch the video below (linked) if you want to know what we're having and how the kids responded to the news. I tried to get it so you don't have to follow the link, but I can't figure out how.
That is HILARIOUS! I love Anson's reasoning :) Congrats again you guys!
that is soooo funny. i love that anson thinks it's a boy because in the picture it had short hair!! hahah. they'll learn to love their little sister!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you, girls are so nice, sugar and spice, right?! ;) Cute video, poor Anson, I do feel for him. I remember the day Brent was born and they came and told Derek and I as we watched Scooby Doo and ate cookies. I wasn't very excited about it/ him being a boy. :) I didn't know you were finding out, is this your first time?
Great video. And the picture of you, Micah, is lovely. Very lovely.
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