Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catching Up

I haven't posted anything for awhile, so I thought a little update was in order. Ava is really starting to respond with smiles and little noises every now and then. Its so much fun to see her face light up when we start talking to her. She loves bathtime and Paige loves helping with it. Anson and Paige carved their pumpkins a couple weeks ago. They were HUGE! But they did a good job of cleaning all the seeds and meat out and then drew their own faces for me to cut out. We roasted the seeds and ate most of them hot. Yum! Everyone is getting over a bug that's been going around up here. Last week was rough with high fevers and body aches, this week it seems like sore throats and coughs are settling in. Last night was Anson's worse coughing night, as he sounded like a seal barking. This morning he said, "mom, I wish I had a regular cough, this one feels like its chopping my throat off". Which is funny, cause it sounds like it's chopping his throat off. Hopefully a couple more days of rest and we'll be over it completely. They must be feeling somewhat better though cause they're back to teasing and terrorizing, a sure sign of health in this house!

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1 comment:

christa said...

wow, ava's getting so big already! i can't believe it! and i love the last picture - anson's like "check this out, paige!"