We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day this year. Here are a few photos from the fun-filled 4 day weekend. My sister Natasha, her husband Matt, and son Boyd came up for a visit. So did Jerem’s parents. It’s amazing how close quarters can bring people together. And give them headaches depending on how loud the kids are screaming. We had a meal of Walleye and Porketta, made a trip up to the lake, played a compatibility game…twice…Jerem and I lost….twice. No further comment. Paige enjoyed having an Auntie around and Tasha was patient enough to allow her nails (and fingers) to get bright purple nail polish applied. We can’t wait for our next visitors to arrive. Expecting Adley, Chet and Kim in two weeks. Yay!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Happy Birthday!! (A little late)
A big happy birthday to our 6 year old! I can’t believe that 6 years have gone by already since we started our family. Anson is such a joy to be a parent to. He is typical rough and tumble that you’d expect, but also has a very sweet and gentle side. We love you Anson! We were in the cities for his birthday and Christa was nice enough to invite people over for his birthday. He had lots of fun playing with the Meissner kids and Aiden Kahl. Thanks to all for helping us celebrate his day. We love you Anson!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Trained Professional
Sometimes I wonder about myself. I took a shower last night with the intention of straightening my hair in the morning before church. I wondered to myself how I would get it done in time; between breakfast, dressing 3 kids, nursing one, redressing the one I just nursed who spit up or pooped or something. So when Ava woke up at 1:30 am to feed and wasn't going back to sleep as fast as I would have liked I had an idea. I was letting her fuss in her crib, but I didn't want to go to bed until I knew she was asleep. So I decided to get a jump start and straighten my hair. Did I mention it was 1:30 am?? Who does that?????? Seriously! I got it half done and went back to bed. Ava was up again at 6:30, which gave me plenty of time to finish straightening and leisurely apply make-up before the kids needed breakfast. While the kids were eating Jerem got up not looking so great. He felt like he had a sinus infection coming on a few days ago and woke up rather miserable. I suggested he stay home and rest. He did, but still was able to help get the kids ready for church and said to not worry about breakfast dishes, he'd take care of them. I sent the kids out to the van to buckle themselves and was putting my coat on when I noticed Jerem staring at the table. "What?" I said. "ummm, aren't you going to make more then one trip?" He said. I then saw what he saw...my purse, car seat, and cup with hot water that was warming Ava's bottle. "Oh...no" I replied with a chuckle, " I'm a trained professional honey". And grabbed everything to head out the door. "okay then" he said "I'll get the door for you". Meeting was great this morning. I had lots of help as I knew I would. Kids sat with Uncle Dallas and Auntie Jean and Ava fussed...pretty typical. I did appreciate all over again Jerem. Despite the help, I missed having him sit next to me, his firm hand on the children. Him gathering Sunday school papers, cars, and notebooks that are strewn all over by the end of church. The discussion of the message that follows in the car on the way home. Even though I claim to be a "trained professional" I am so thankful I don't have to go about this journey of motherhood alone, that I have a husband to offer an extra set of hands and stern voice when needed. And that I didn't have to come home to a counter full of dishes. I love you honey..and get better soon!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Yesterday after some nice bonding time with Anson he asked, "mom, can I please have a piece of candy? Paige is in her room so she won't know, and I'll eat it real fast. But if she comes out before i'm done and says, 'Anson, what are you eating?', I'll say 'nothing, I'm just chewing on my tounge". Of course he was dead serious and couldn't understand why I found it so funny.
Cutting up carrots for supperMixing it all together
Ready to chow down on a supper he made
Cheesy Lentil Bake
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Northern Exposure
I'll just say it now, I'm not looking forward to winter. Yes, it looks white and clean and beautiful-but you can't feel -20 degrees in a photograph, or see how much time it takes to bundle up and carry kids to the car, or experience the feeling of it being April and still not warm enough to wear flip-flops. So these days I'm relishing the look of still slightly green grass, warm sunshine, and days when kids can go outside without layering on the clothes. I thought I'd put up a couple photos that show the contrast of our life. True, both seasons the kids obviously have fun-I just like the warmth I think. Of course, without cold weather there would be no hockey, and without hockey we'd have a sad little boy. So winter go ahead and come..I'll just retreat to my room when the days get long and cold and get lost in photos from last summer.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Spiderman and Princess P from the PBS show Super Readers
The kids made an awesome haul with trick-or-treating this year. I'm officially candied out! Paige was able to re-use a flower girl dress from my brothers wedding and found all her other stuff in her dress up box. Nice cheap costume! Anson was determined to be spiderman but I refused to pay $50 for his costume. So I waited till last minute and got it super cheap. They had their class parties too so they got a couple uses out of thier costumes this year.
The kids made an awesome haul with trick-or-treating this year. I'm officially candied out! Paige was able to re-use a flower girl dress from my brothers wedding and found all her other stuff in her dress up box. Nice cheap costume! Anson was determined to be spiderman but I refused to pay $50 for his costume. So I waited till last minute and got it super cheap. They had their class parties too so they got a couple uses out of thier costumes this year.
Monday, November 2, 2009
7 years!
Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband of 7 years. I know to some its not very long. As we were told in church yesterday by an older couple, "still the puppy love stage". Well, maybe not quite. I can say I'm more in love then on our wedding day though. It's funny how it changes. Then it was such a new and exciting love, now it's become a more mature commited love. I wouldn't trade a day though. I Love You!
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