Thursday, November 11, 2010

Top 10

Top 10 of what you ask? Well, my wonderful MIL suggested I do a top 10 of the things I will NOT miss about our house now. I’m going to break it down. Since this IS where we started our life together and our family there are some special thoughts towards our old home. So, here we go. Top 5 we Won’t miss and Top 5 we Will miss!

house 011

the NOT list

1. We will NOT miss having to put plastic up on our windows every fall

2. I will NOT miss unloading kids and groceries in –20. (we will have a garage)

3. We will NOT miss the blanket hanging over the doorway 7 months out of the year

4. I will NOT miss the walk in closet with NO LIGHT!

5. We will NOT miss having our children decide the best time to use the bathroom is when we are in the shower. Although I realize that having 2 bathrooms isn’t necessarily going to guarantee this isn’t going to happen.

The WILL miss

1. I’m thinking…check back at #2




…….still thinking




2. okay sorry..this list is only two long…can’t think of anything we WILL miss about our house. Although I can tell you for sure that we are going to miss our wonderful neighbors, I think that’s about it.


Katie said...

Hahaha! I couldn't ever think of anything that I would miss about our old place either, but trust me some day you will look back at your years there and smile! And only occasionally not break into song about your new house... oh and garage!! :) Drove in the yard last saturday... it is so gorgeous! Can't wait to see the inside :)

~ Tandis ~ said...

You will look back with fond memories of your 3 children growing close in the small square footage. I think there are many lessons to be learned from being squished. :)

I am SOOOOO excited for you to move into your new home. You guys have prayed and waited so long. God is good!

Mindy said...

We lived in a trailer house in Wichita for almost seven years. We had mice, packrats, brown recluse spiders and cockroaches. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned to keep it "nice." It was out in the country, which we loved, but it was not a fun place to live in that climate with AC. The older I get, the less I remember of those hard times. I remember so many of the great memories cuz my kids were little.

I am so happy you are getting a new home and a garage. Congrats!

On Second Street said...

looking forward to seeing pictures of the new place! But I have to say itlooked like you had made that trailer an amazing home for your family. I doubt there are many huge, fancy houses with a constant smell of fresh bread and baking wafting out the windows. I also joined the insanity craze thanks to you and christa. Holy cow.

~ Tandis ~ said...

No parting blog to leave us with before disconnecting from the web TO MOVE TO YOUR NEW HOUSE?!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read the first blog once you're online and settled again.
Praying for a smooth move. :)