Friday, December 24, 2010

I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas

Up in these parts it doesn’t take much to dream of a white Christmas. We are blessed with an abundance of snow to enjoy.

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Along with some wildlife in our backyard.

Anson and Paige, (but mostly Anson), has helped to make us a white Christmas IN the house too.

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Paige wanted to give Ava something to look at from her bed.

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Anson’s ginormous one for his door and as many as he could fit on his window.

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Who needs a wreath when you have snowflakes?! Even I got in on the action once I remembered how much fun it was.

1 comment:

~ Tandis ~ said...

Your home looks like a wonderful place to be snowed in at Christmas. Those deer must make Jerem's trigger finger itch and make Anson excited for his future hunting days. All the snowflakes are wonderful!! We decorate with snowflakes in January to help the gloom and bareness after the Christmas decor comes down. Maybe I should hire your kids to make us some? ;)