9/28/2012-My last Friday morning in my baking day attire (for the year). Not my last Friday watching the kids wait for the bus. Poor kiddos, waiting for the bus in the near dark.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Romans 3:10 and Ephesians 2:8,9
Anson got in trouble on the bus a couple weeks ago. Apparently he wasn’t staying in his seat, rough housing, etc. (According to his sister he was being mean to them, but she DOES like to exaggerate to get him in trouble). He’s a pretty soft hearted kid, so the picking on those younger than him is one we’re usually not too worried about. Anyway, I was chatting with my SIL about the matter and our conversation went something like this.
Me: I mean, I feel kinda bad for him. It is an hour bus ride each way. That’s a long time to not goof off. Don’t get me wrong, he should be behaving, but I get how it can be hard for an 8 year old to not sit still that whole time after being in school all day.
Kim: That’s how long our bus ride was growing up too.
Me: Yeah, I guess the rules are there for a reason. I just don’t get why he’s having such a hard time. I do a devotional with them every morning before they get on the bus, and pray with them. They should be angels!
Kim: Umm, yeah…pretty sure it doesn’t work like that
Me: WHAT?!? And here I thought I had this mothering thing down!
Obviously some of that was said in jest. All the same it got me thinking. As an adult I spend time every day in the word and in prayer before the kids get up. Does that stop me from being selfish during the day? Responding too hastily to the kids? Having a short fuse with Jerem? Not at all! Romans 3:10-None is righteous, no, not one.
We can try and protect our kids by only letting them watch certain t.v. or no t.v. at all. We can keep them home and home school so they aren’t influenced by the world as greatly. We can pound the gospel into their heads. But WE CAN’T SAVE THEM. Also, WE CAN’T DECIDE THEIR ACTIONS FOR THEM. As much as I’d like to make all the right choices for my kids, I CAN’T. What I can do is continue to teach them from the Word. Continue to pray with them and for them. Continue to raise them in a way that the Lord instructs. (And by “I” I am referring to the parenting Jerem does too. I’m not the only one who deals with the kids.)
Today was a good reminder for me that just like I stray on a daily basis from what I know is right, (after nearly 30 years of life), certainly my kids aren’t going to be perfect and only make choices that are right. How thankful I am for the promise of Ephesians 2:8-9
For by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH. And this is not YOUR OWN DOING; it is the GIFT of God, not a result of WORKS, so that NO ONE my boast.
Our children will be instructed daily as to the way they should live as a child of God who has a testimony of His salvation. But they will grow up knowing that it isn’t on any good deed of their own that they are going to make it to heaven. Its not by being good on the bus, its not by not lying, not teasing. It’s by our Saviours finished work on the cross and that alone. Praise the Lord!!
Monday, September 24, 2012
My Country Kids
I love that my girls aren’t grossed out by things.
Like rodents shot by their brother.
They’re even nice enough to go throw it away for him.
They know to stay at a safe distance as he tracks down another one to shoot.
Unfortunately the squirrel was smarter than Anson and got away. Maybe next time.
Just a typical Sunday afternoon at the Haack house.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Confessions of a ‘Super Mom’
I am NOT a ‘super mom’, ‘wonder woman’, or any term I may have led you to believe I am.
I have one chore at hate above all else. (Well, this and ironing. I finally caught up on that this week. 26 shirts later I was done).
I wish I could tell you this is all of it. It isn’t.
Sometimes I feel like I give the wrong impression of myself from the photos I post. I am not the amazing, busy all the time, ‘super mom’ you have created in your head. (Gasp, I know!!).
Truth be told I have plenty of time in the day to keep a clean house, but sometimes I just don’t feel like it. There, I said it. I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT!! I’d love my house to be one where it is perfectly homey and ready for company at any time, but I’m not in a season of life where that’s possible. At least that’s what I tell myself.
You want to know another secret?
I don’t always watch my children very well.
That was toothpaste folks. And it wasn’t just on her. You have any idea how hard it is to wash off toothpaste? I’ll send miss Ava Lou over to your house if you want to find out. I’m sure she’d be happy to empty a tube for you.
I have another confession.
Sometimes an entire day will go by and I don’t dress my child. In fact, there were many days this summer where she wasn’t wearing much at all. I figure that’s a perk of living in the country. I wasn’t too stressed about it.
I also let my children play in mud. Some like to more than others.
Why do I have a feeling no one is surprised that the picture is of Ava? What a child.
Anywho, all this to say. I may like to make you believe I’m awesome and on top of everything, but I’m not. As much as I love the life the Lord has blessed me with I struggle with the ‘mundane’, so therefore I just ignore it sometimes. As in the laundry. Speaking of which, I better get cracking on it if I want to be done by midnight.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Happy Happy Birthday!!!
She received that backpack for Christmas last year and with the kids leaving for school every morning, well, lets just say it’s become her newest obsession. She sleeps with it, eats with it, takes it EVERYWHERE with her.
We had a nice quiet party with her best friend Ali (daycare friend) and family, and the Derek Olson family. It was a perfect evening for supper on the deck!
Who wouldn’t love 24 different colors of play-doh?? Her and Kodiak have been playing with it all morning! And yes, about 3 colors have already been mixed together.
A big shout out to my little brother Clark! He’s turning 10 today! Wow! I was a little pre-occupied with my wedding when he was born, but I remember him as a sweet little baby. Hard to believe he’s getting so grown up. Love you buddy!