For the past 3 weeks Paige has been looking forward to one thing. A fairy tale party at school! Mrs. O. has been incorporating fairy tales in with homework for awhile now. Last week Paige had to do a "book report" on Cinderella in the form of a board game. She LOVES anything creative, so this was right up her alley. Since our kids have such and incredibly long bus ride I had her read Cinderella on the way to school one day and write down ideas for her game so we could attack it when she came home. She had to have 5 facts from the story incorporated in the board, and although I could help it had to look like she did it. I was so impressed. She came off the bus with her notebook full of "she had to clean-move back one space. Her fairy godmother gave her a dress- move up one. The clock struck 12 move back 3." And so on. We had fun creating the game and figuring out the best way to do it. Then we found Cinderella characters online and printed and laminated them to created game pieces. Her and Anson played it a couple times and declared it a success!!
Today is the day she gets to wear dress up clothes to school and have a fairy tale feast! Ava had to get in on the dress up time in her own Ava way:)

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