Monday, April 14, 2014

Chloe and Paige

This past weekend we celebrated the marraige of Lacy Holen and Evander Pinder. Paige and Chloe were asked to help serve punch so I thought it would be fun to have an afternoon of getting ready at our house. Doing hair is always more fun when you have a friend to do it with! They each browsed pinterest and picked out what styles they wanted and we got to work! 

Paige said they needed a before picture-this one is a keeper!

Picking out earring

Chloe took a turn with the camera

I think this was the part where Chloe told Paige "Beauty is pain-deal with it".
Crazy eyes

Paige's hair is getting pretty long, so its fun to play with. I'm glad she's enjoying braids more cause I'm having fun learning new ways to do it!
Chloe went with a fancy pinned back curl look

Cuties and Besties. So glad they have stayed such best friends, they are so fun to watch grow!

Chloe (9 years, 2 months) Paige (8 years 9 months)

1 comment:

Steve and Jan said...

sweet pictures. You did a nice job on their hair Micah. Paige does not look to happy in the last pics. Pray for the safe keeping of these two precious little girls and that they will grow to love the Lord their God with all their hearts!