Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Snowmen in January

I know, it sounds normal enough. January=winter=snow=snowman. Logical conclusion. But up here it is usually soooo bitterly cold in January that any snow we get is dry, not very good for making snowmen. In fact, I don’t know if our kids have ever even made one before. This last weekend was 32-34 degrees. FOR REAL!!! So we had some wet, slushy snow coming down. Jerem and Paige went outside to have a little fun in it.

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Monday ended up being a snow day, so I thought I’d try and do some “snow” activities. We made snow candy, which was fun-but messy. And some snow ice cream. Yes, I said ice cream. First of all we aren’t too concerned about so called “pollutants” that might be found in the snow, I think we live far enough away from the city. And if there were some in there, a little dirt never hurt anyone. Second, don’t saw “eeeww gross” till you’ve tried some for yourself. All you do is take about 4 qts of snow, 3/4 c sugar,  1 c milk, some vanilla or desired flavor. Stir it all together and something quite magical happens. The snow is transformed into something amazing. Okay, maybe not amazing…but pretty darn good. I thought maybe I had preserved the memory of snow ice cream as better then it really tasted. I didn’t. It’s yummy. I didn’t tell Paige or Anson what I was doing and gave them a taste asking them what it tasted like. “oh’s ice cream mom! This is soooo good”. So yea, my kids had snow candy and snow ice cream for lunch on Monday. The snow day.








Mindy said...

When we first moved here, it actually snowed. Jana was at the public high school. She was so excited to see snow, she ran over to a small drift, grabbed a handfull and ate with fond Minnesota memories. The WA natives were hollering at her, sure she would drop dead from poisoning. It was hilarious. They've been totally convinced every drop of rain and every flake of snow is all, pure, undiluted acid. They won't save water in rain barrels. They're crazy!

Your day looked special. You're a great Mom!

~ Tandis ~ said...

What a fun day!! A fun memory for sure. I think weird lunches sometimes are so fun!!!

Katie said...

I love Mindy's comment... my dad always told us just to be sure and NOT eat the yellow snow, other than that it was free for all! :) Sounds like a great snow day, I might have to try some of that ice cream next time it snows!

naphtali said...

what a good idea! Now I can't wait for it to snow here again!