9 years. 468 weeks. 3276 days. Three thousand, two hundred, seventy-six days of what? Why, of getting to know my husband better of course! That’s right, today is our 9 year anniversary. I know for all you that have been married FOREVER, 9 years is nothing, just a drop in the bucket. But, like every anniversary no matter how many years it’s just as worth celebrating.
You know how people say, “I’m more in love today than the day we married”? So true! I think in a slightly different way obviously. On your wedding day you can’t imagine loving your spouse any more, then as those days go by the love develops into something much deeper than you could ever anticipate.
When I look at Jerem now it kind of blows my mind to see the man he’s become.I mean, when we were dating I thought he couldn’t get any better, boy was I wrong. He has applied himself to his schooling for the last 8 years in the midst of pregnancies, babies, and raising a family. He has become the spiritual leader I always desired to find in a husband. He always was one I feel but as our family grows so does his desire to lead and teach according to the Lord’s will. I could go on and on, but I realize these things that are special to me might get boring for you to read.
I remember being challenged as a girl of about 12 to start praying for my husband. I took it to heart and prayed every day. I remember praying that if he didn’t know the Lord as his Savior that he would see his need and get saved. I remember praying for his safety. You know what still amazes me to this day? Jerem moved up here when I would have been 12. He came kicking and screaming and wasn’t happy about it, but he came. That move I believe changed his life forever. The path he was on in Rochester was going from bad to worse, one of his buddy’s ended up in jail after he moved. He had some very concerned and loving relatives up here that saw the need and opened their homes. Something for which I (and him) will be forever grateful. I have no doubt that my prayers as a 12 year old girl opened doors that made the move happen, and consequently his salvation and then coming to camp to counsel. (Which of course is where we met.)
I have so many little stories from when we met that reinforced the Lord’s working and leading in our relationship before it was even a relationship, but this is getting long and I’m sure you’re all wondering if I’m ever going to shut up. So I’ll save those stories for next year.
I love you Jerem, so thankful for the last 3276 days with you and I looks forward to tens of thousands more.