Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Program

This past Sunday was the chapel's annual Christmas Program. Paige had her piano debut with a little duet part played by yours truly. We are so proud of her getting up in front of people for the first time and playing Away In A Manger.

The Sunday School class (with help from young adults) worked very hard on a skit. Anson and Paige were the brother and sister of the story and did a great job memorizing ALL their lines. In the picture below they are waiting for their que and getting into character. You know, arguing :)

Jill snapped a quick family picture as we were leaving, always fun to get one taken when we're all dressed up. Jerem already had his coat and hat on and tried to get away with leaving it on for the picture, but Jill wouldn't allow it. Thanks Jill!

Besties-Paige and Chloe


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Too Cute

Thad is over for the day to spend some time with Ava. These two are great buds and have so much fun together. I think Thad won the messy face contest with the donut snack. Who wants to stay with healthy snacks on a snowy day?? Not us!

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving weekend from the Haack family!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Double Digits

We officially have a 10 year old in our house! Anson had a great birthday Friday, celebrated with friends from school. Rather than go the traditional evening party route, I invited the kids to ride the bus home and then get picked up by parents at 6-still gave us a nice family evening but Anson got his "friends" party.

The first few friends coming up the drive.

And here come the "big" group. Apparently the bus driver told them no more riding as a group, I have to pick them up from now on. They may have been just a LITTLE too excited the whole ride home. :)

Anson wanted a NHL WILD themed party. So I did the team colors and concession style food.

Nachos, Pizza, Hot dogs, Gatorade. Oh, and some fruit cut up, I don't think that got touched.

I THINK we had 14 there..I'm still not totally sure. 2 of the kids are backup daycare kids I have right now, the rest are classmates or siblings of classmates, or cousins kids..etc.

 I can't get this picture to rotate, and my battery died right after this so I didn't even get a picture of him blowing out his candles. It was a super fun birthday though and we are so proud of the choices Anson's making in life and our prayer is that he continues to grow in the love of the Lord and desire to serve Him above all else.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


God has a funny way of teaching me lessons through my kids. Imagine that, huh?

We are in the swing of hockey, and teams have been split up. Anson was happy to have the same teammates he's had for the last 5 years. Then we got the news tonight that teams were being re-split and re-shuffled. Details aren't necessary for this post, I'm only writing this so I have it to look back on. Obviously Anson was crushed. I used the ride home to talk to him about how this was a chance to be even more of a leader, to have a good attitude and show others that it's okay. I talked to him about how it comes down to the fact that he's playing a sport he loves and he needs to enjoy it for that. I was feeling pretty good about my 15 minute pep talk. Then we got home.

Jerem and him went up to his room and talked for 30 minutes in hushed voices. Jerem told him how this was the Lords plan, how He has a reason for allowing Anson to be on a different team. That maybe that reason was so Anson could tell someone about Jesus that he's never had a chance to be around. Then they prayed. Anson didn't pray that he'd be on a team with certain kids..he prayed that he would be content with the decision that was made. Wow. Really put me to shame. I realized my bad attitude wasn't about him being with different teammates..but ME being with different moms. After 6 seasons with the same parents you get used to your cheering section. But maybe..just maybe...I'm supposed to reach out of MY comfort zone this year. That it will be okay if I'm not with my group of moms I've been with every year.

I know, this post probably seems overly dramatic...but I wanted to write it down to look back on someday. In life there are big plans, and little plans, hockey is no doubt a little plan. But even that, it is a plan that is beyond our control. I'm so thankful I serve a Saviour who controls EVERYTHING. And so proud of my son for recognizing that.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 2, 2013

I'm really not even sure how to start this post, I have lots of thoughts floating around up there (in my scattered brain) and am trying to collect them to put into words. Saturday was our anniversary. In the past we've always done something "special" i.e. something that costs money. A lot of times we would get away for a couple nights kid free, or get a sitter and go out for dinner. Last year we decided to put the money we'd spend on a weekend away and get each other a "big" gift with it that we wouldn't normally buy. We stayed home, but thanks to the generosity of family, still had a kid free weekend.

I knew this year was going to be different. We weren't going anywhere, hadn't saved up money for gifts and hadn't even made plans to go out to dinner. And honestly, I was totally fine with it. I wasn't anticipating anything, and actually I even kept forgetting our anniversary was coming up. I totally took the year off. No homemade card, no romantic letter, not even a "favorite candy" gift. Nothing. It's not that I didn't WANT to recognize it, I just didn't want to put a lot of effort into something and then have Jerem feel bad that he did nothing for me. Its happened before, I think it's the nature of a lot of men.

Friday night Anson had hockey so I ran him to that because Jerem said he wanted to make me a nice supper since we weren't going out. I thought that was sweet of him, he's great about making special meals for us to eat together after the kids have finished, so beyond that I really didn't think too much about it. I got home around 8 and was told to keep my back to the deck and not look at the stove. After a few minutes he told me my coat and stocking hat were laying out and to put them on and come outside. He had already gotten the kids going on a movie with strict instructions to leave us alone. He led me out to the deck to the most romantic dinner setup I've ever seen. First of all, we love our deck. Any meal on there is a special one. But it was dark so I totally wasn't expecting to eat out there. He had a quilt on the table making it feel warm and cozy, a lamp and candles out there. He had my chair draped with my favorite blanket so I could snuggle in (it was pretty chilly) and our favorite music going. I was treated to an amazing supper of grilled steak, sauteed mushrooms and onions, corn, and salad. Something about the fact that it was cold enough to see our breath made the hot food taste even better.

He was prepared, it didn't end there. He had questions for me. Deep marital questions that guys don't normally ask (at least not him). It prompted some good discussion on marriage; when our first memory of the idea of it was formed, and how we want to see ourselves in the future, our biggest fears in our marriage (not at easy one to answer), couples that have been examples to us and why. I have realized more this year than any other, how much my idea of married life 11 years ago when I said "I do" to this year has changed. It's not about the person you "thought you married" or even the life you pictured. It's having someone to grow with, to be committed too even when they may not live up to the idealized version a 19 year old heart pictured. It's to know that there is a partner to have, even if all that person needs is a companion to stand there and watch them work on a car and not say a word. Not just to be married, but to actually HAVE someone to GO through good times and bad, to know that there is one person that is there for you, that said the same vows back. Being married means that sometimes, the most romantic moments happen in your own backyard and don't cost a dime-because that person you are sharing them with knows you so well that you can enjoy the depth of something so simple together. The perfect anniversary night didn't end with us slow dancing under the stars like a movie may have ended, but with our youngest curled up on my lap under a blanket while we continued to talk. It was in that moment that I realized that this WAS OUR LIFE, not the picture perfect scene that others seem to have or stories depict, but to me in that sliver of time OUR LOVE STORY couldn't have been more perfect.

I love you Jerem, this ones for you. Thanks for the last 11 years of marriage and for being a part of US. I can't imagine life without you.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Do you ever notice that your kids' personalities are at their best when they think no one is looking? Here's a video the kids NEVER thought would get seen. I know they're my own kids so I find them funnier than most, but still, this video kills me every time.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

That Time of Year

 We'll start with Anson's. So, somewhere along the way I lost one of his school pics. I have the top left labeled 1st grade, but I kinda feel like it looks like kindergarten. Not sure. Anyway, from there we have 2nd, 3rd and this years 4th grade pictures. He DOES still wear glasses, different style than the other pics, but he took them off for this years shot. My little guy is DEFINITLY not so little anymore. Just wait Christa and Lisa, might seem like forever off right now but it'll come screamin' up on you! :)
Ah, Paigey-Poo. I have all hers. K-3rd. 1st grade pic is a dead ringer for my little sister. Its crazy! I need to get the picture of her at that age to do a comparison post. Her smile this year was a little forced, and her hair is always falling out by picture time. Still a cutie patootie tho! They are both doing so well this year, both in grades and displaying Godly character and wise choices, (most of the time). Thankful for my kiddos!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Project Morning

Watch your mail, you might just be one of the lucky 9 to get one of these hand made postcards!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ava's Turn

Well, we've almost been here (as in this house) for 3 years. About 6 weeks from now will officially be the three year mark. Wow. There's a couple rooms in the house that haven't gotten any attention since we moved in. Ava's room being one of them.

It was easy to just leave it since it was a little girl's room before. Purple carpet, purple walls, green curtain, and besides-Ava just didn't care. Lately though-well, really for like FOREVER- she's been struggling to sleep on her own. She sleeps awesome on our floor, doesn't wake up at all. But put her in her room and its a battle. Like terrified of something-battle. So we haven't pushed it. Hmmm....can anyone say baby of the family?

We decided to let her help redo her room in hopes that it would get her excited about sleeping in there. With a little guidance from me she made most the decisions and helped A TON. I wish I would have gotten pictures of her actually helping.

She LOVES birds. All summer she watches them come to the feeder, grabs the bird book and tried to figure out what kind they are. Her favorite is a "Chickadee-dee-dee". So she was pretty excited when I suggested a bird themed room.

Of course I ASSUMED I had before pictures from her room and didn't take any-yeah....can't find hardly any.
Here's a few though. And a plea from me.
PLEASE don't EVER put up a wallpaper border, for the sanity of the one removing it someday, if nothing else. This was the 3rd room that had it on, not fun.

And here we go.

3 walls are painted "Pink Chill" and the window wall is "Crushed Velvet".
This wall is the most different, some will like it, some won't. I think it needs a few little birds hanging from the branches. The cute robin in the picture below was a birthday gift from Oma and Papa.
Birdcage reading lamp above the bed. The cage was one of those used for weddings, like a card holder I think. I just painted in and ripped the circular piece of metal up top off, and inserted the lamp cord.

Below: I really wish I had a picture of the dresser before. It was a dirty cream with flowers stenciled on. Painted it "Overcast" and sprayed the gold handles white. The gallery wall will be added to over time but for now there's a picture Ava drew, the paint chips framed, a embroidery hoop with fabric in it and the old mirror from the basement bathroom painted blue.

This is one of her favorite spots. We paid $60 the crib when I was pregnant with Anson, and used it for all 3 kids.  It was fun to find another use for it. She had to decorate it with her birthday lights from White hair Grandpa and Grandma.

I remembered halfway through the room project what her name means. Pretty funny how well it fits the theme.

This is one of my favorite things in her room. I thought the verse was so fitting for someone that obviously has some issues with nightmares and being afraid at night. She helped with the bird art on either side, gluing the pieces on.

This is probably the most fun before and after. I was going to paint the fan but didn't really know what to do with it. My SIL Kim suggested doing this and I just love it. And better yet it didn't cost anything, always an added bonus.

There's still a few odds and ends to do, throw pillows for the bed, bed skirt, etc. but for now its done. She has spent the last 2 nights in there and is doing great. She even has a Chickadee-dee-dee nightlight by her bed. I'll just apologize now for the layout of the pictures. I'm back to using blogger to post and don't love the way it prevents me from moving things around.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Country Girl

"What? You're going to blog this?!"

Why yes, yes I am.

Paige has show and tell tomorrow- she's been talking all week about her Skunk Story she wants to share.

She took the camera out and took all the pictures.

And then figured out what to say about each picture.

Her teacher is Mr. Outdoorsman, he's always bringing in pelts, sheds, and various forms of wildlife to work in to science time. She is just eating it up-loves that kind of stuff.

Apparently Ava thought she needed one too, cause she found some pictures we didn't want and disappeared. Twenty minutes later she showed up and asked me to take a picture.

I'm pretty sure this show and tell wouldn't be the norm in somewhere SLIGHTLY more populated. Gotta love the country life!

Between Seasons

Ready for fall, prepared for
winter, holding on to summer.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Just Because

I've been wanting to update the kids' name-in-sand photos every year, I finally got around to it this year. The sun always makes it tricky to get a good shot, so this is what I ended up with this year.