Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Casted Wonder

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Not much can slow this boy down. He’s back to bike riding, and general boyishness that we just can’t suppress.

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Going back to Bemidji next week to make sure everything is still healing good. I started complaining about making the trip again…then I realized, who really complains about an excuse to go to Target? :)

A Nice Surprise


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I love it when I get unexpected, not-asked-for help from my 5 year old. She is such a sweetie.

Zombie Lessons

1. Get wet in the sprinkler then go to the dirt pile and start rubbing dirt on.

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2. Walk around yard in zombie like fashion making odd noises. Conveniently walk through sprinkler…

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3. so the process has to be done all over again

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Super Mom(s)?


What do these to things have that make people stop and say “wow, what an amazing mom?”











Most of you probably know the story by now…but I have to record it on here for the future. While visiting my dear friend Tandis (I am resigned to the fact that we will only be cyber friends) in Virginia MN on Tuesday, we had a bit of an adventure. We decided to meet at the park rather than camp since I was bringing my 3 and Jr High camp was in full swing. (Her hubby was counseling). We got to visiting…then Anson needed to go to the bathroom. Got back from the bathroom and her Molly had to go. So at this point we had about 30 minutes of catching up on camp stuff. As she was walking back from her girls going potty Anson fell off something on the playground and immediately started screaming. A dad that was there got to him before me and just kept saying over and over “He broke it, his arm. Its broken. He broke his arm.” Tandis came running over and what did she have in her hand? A Pringles can. Her nursing skills kicked in and she used the can as a brace and Ava’s blanket as a makeshift sling. (That didn’t really work cause I didn’t fold it right). I suggested sticking him in Ava’s stroller and she agreed it would be the best way to get him to the car. I’ve always wondered if I would know when/if a child of mine broke a bone. I knew. He arm looked so…well…odd. Definitely NOT right. Since we were just a block from the hospital I suggested not moving him from stroller to vehicle to ER and just walking there. So here we go…2 moms…5 kids (6 counting the one in her tummy). At this point Ava was getting a little crabby due to it being well past nap time. Paige, Mia and Molly were doing so great holding hands and following instructions. We got in the ER and the waiting began. Rewind…a few things I remember Anson saying between sobs right after it happened. “Mom, this is my first broken arm. It feels like every bone in my body is broke. Am I going to die? Will I still be able to play hockey? JUST CALL 911!!” Once his arm was stabilized on the chip can and he was laying in the stroller he calmed down a lot and drifted in and out. It was about 3 when we got to the ER. It took awhile…of course. They finally had him x-rayed and discovered both bones above the wrist were broken. One completely through, the other almost all the way and bent back. ER Dr sent us to the Orthopedic Dr. Meantime…Ava had fallen asleep in my arms, Tandis was keeping the girls busy. She said nurses kept telling her throughout the day how “amazing and smart” I was. To be so calm…to have him in the stroller…to use the Pringles can. Yeah…last one totally her…but I got the credit :) Bone doc said he’d set it and we’d have to watch it via x-rays to make sure it was healing and won’t need surgery. He had to go into the OR and be put under to have it set. That was the hardest part for me, but I never did get emotional or worked up. Is something wrong with me? I hope not. I just chalk it up to being a generally calm person. :) Rewind…some of MY thoughts throughout the day. BEFORE the accident “man..this sure is a convenient place for a park…right across from the hospital. Oh…this will make for a good blog posting. Why didn’t I bring my camera today?” Like I said…is something wrong with me? 6 hrs later (after getting to the ER) we were ready to go. During this time Tandis had taken ALL FOUR girls back to camp, fed them supper, kept them entertained, and nursed a horrid headache. Roxanne insisted on driving me home weather it be that night or in the morning. I decided that night would be best cause Anson would still be out of it enough to travel good. I was so thankful for her MAKING me let her drive us home. We had a great visit, missed all the deer and arrived home at 1:00 am or so.

We are headed to Bemidji tomorrow for a hard cast. So far he’s just had a splint on until the swelling went down. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long rest of summer for him but so far it doesn’t seem to have slowed him down at all.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

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I know that a lot of you are waiting for the detailed story of our adventure the other day. That’ll have to wait a little longer, cause I HAVE to wish this little girl a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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I have a hard time believing she’s 5 already, where did the time go?!

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She brings so many smiles to us throughout the day with her funny little observations. Love you Paigey-poo and hope your day is extra special…just like you!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I’ve been waiting…

to write this post for a very long time now. :) After about 2 months I finally can do it. Can you guess what???!!! Hmmm….


No…not pregnant…remember, we established that in the last post.


No…we’re not moving or anything


No exotic vaca


Give up?


Okay…I’ll tell ya!

2 months, countless trips to pick up (where things kept going wrong), and three four wheelers later we now have this in our yard!

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okay, yes..it’s missing a post on the porch but that’s easy enough to fix. I mean…it was FREE folks!

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The intention of this picture is to show you the window boxes. I guess the kids are planting green beans in them. We’ll see who wins this one.

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Oh yeah..and a couple branches had to come down.

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Like I said…3 four wheelers.

So..it’s not in its final resting spot, but we’ll have to wait for the garden to be done to move it more. And it needs paint. I’m thinking dark brown since it’s log cabin looking, I just need to figure out the trim/window box color. Maybe blue…or green. Anson says he wants to paint a side with yellow and red and Paige can do a side in purple and pink. I said probably not. He said…why, its our house? Valid point, but once again I might win on this one. Oh…and it has a super cute REAL weather vane…forgot to take a pic of it.

Yes…I truly might be more excited about the house than the kids right now. 

Monday, July 5, 2010

Our 4th

No…not our fourth child…this is a post about our July 4th. Just in case you were jumping to conclusions before you got to the pictures.

Ever since last year our kids have been asking to be in the kiddie parade. So Jill and I decided to walk for the MOPS group and were joined by one other MOPS mom. (she didn’t get in the pictures)

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Hard to see in  this picture but Jill and I made the girls matching skirts for the girls and she decked out her double stroller for Thad and Ava.

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Anson has been practicing all kinds of tricks for his parade debut. Our favorite quote of the day, “Mom…should I start out the parade doing my wheelies, or what?”

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Abby just trucked along like it was nothin’!


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Stroller buds

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The girls and their skirts

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Her new favorite face

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Waiting for candy!

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Imagine the street lined with kids…all blowing noisemakers.

 Happy 4th!