Friday, September 17, 2010

Birthday Girl!

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She Knows how to enjoy her chocolate!

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Playin’ with the present from Anson and Paige. We had a nice quiet family celebration for her first birthday. I have to say, I didn’t totally miss planning a whole party. :) Anson and Paige brought plenty of energy for everyone.

So thankful for our little Ava Lou! We love you!


Kari said...

Happy Birthday sweet Ava!!! Looks like a yummy way to celebrate.

Lindsey,Alyssa and Carly said...

Happy Birthday Ava Lou! I was waiting for your mommy to post about your birthday too!

I think the birthday plan sounds good- your 'cousin' Nolan might have the same kind!

~ Tandis ~ said...

Little Cutie-pie is growing so fast :)

Mindy said...

You are so blessed with your children. I always love these glimpses into the life the Lord has given you. He is so good, isn't He? She is a perfect representation of the Lord's goodness to the children of men.