Before I start I want to say that I am not trying to copy this wonderful blog. These are some thoughts that I’ve been thinking on, which happen to be somewhat similar to something she wrote about recently.
Last week I was with a couple of dear friends. I’m so thankful to have Sarah and Jill in my life both as girlfriends and fellow moms. The Lord has really blessed me with their friendship. We were all heading to Grand Forks for the day. (Kid free I might add, well, except for Ava). We started talking about if we could do it all over again, what we would go to college for and what our dream job would be. Sarah started us off by saying she would love to be a hairstylist at a high end salon. Jill wishes she had gone to school for fashion design, and I would love to go to pastry school and learn how to make gourmet baked goods. So here’s what we decided. After our kids are grown up and gone we will open the ultimate escape for women. A 3-in-1. First the client would go to Sarah for a new hairstyle/color etc. While their color is setting they can come and get a pastry and cup of tea or coffee. After that, they’ll need to make a visit to Jill’s fashion shop to have their clothes let out. Or maybe have her design some new ones, a little bigger perhaps. Doesn’t it sound like the ideal place?
As I thought about it more, and the humor we found in creating such a place, I realized that those are all things we do or can do in our life as a mom. How many times do we do our daughters hair? Trying new styles, teaching them to keep it looking nice. In this day in age we have a wonderful opportunity to show our daughters how they can dress modestly while still being very fashionable. We don’t have to put them in jean jumpers and turtlenecks, we can show them how to dress in today's styles in a way that’s honoring to the Lord. And possibly the most obvious, letting our children help in the kitchen.
Even if its just a simple batch of chocolate chip cookies, to them it’s definitely a gourmet treat!
Looks like I need to practice on the hair part though.
Encouraging Micah ~ Thanks for the reminder, and I like the new colors on your blog!
That shop is a great idea!! I would for sure make a stop at all three spots. And it was very encouraging, thanks for that!
Such a great post Micah!! :)
I love your mixer! I have the same one and love it! :)
Wonderful ideas & beautiful thoughts. Thanks!
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